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「ヴェラザノ=ナローズ・ブリッジを走るランナーたち」米国ニューヨーク州, ニューヨーク市

Coureurs sur le pont Verrazano-Narrows entre Staten Island et Brooklyn

Coureurs sur le pont Verrazano-Narrows entre Staten Island et Brooklyn, États-Unis

Runners on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge between Staten Island and Brooklyn

Runners on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge between Staten Island and Brooklyn, New York

Runners on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge between Staten Island and Brooklyn, USA

Runners on the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge between Staten Island and Brooklyn

Teilnehmer des New-York-City-Marathons auf der Verrazano-Narrows Bridge zwischen Staten Island und Brooklyn


Wallpaper Name : NYCM
Date : November 4, 2018
Author : © David Madison/Getty Images
Categories : Bridge, City
Country :
Views : 5018 Views

Description : NYCM Wallpaper from bing homepage background image on November 4, 2018.If you don’t find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for Original or higher resolution which may fits perfect to your desktop.Images are copyright to their respective owners, use of this image is restricted to wallpaper only.

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