Common Dolphin
Langschnäuziger Gemeiner Delfin und tauchende Kaptölpel bei der Jagd auf Pazifische Sardinen vor dem Ostkap, Südafrika
Long-beaked common dolphin pod and diving Cape gannets hunting Pacific sardines off the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Delfín de pico largo cazando sardinas del Pacífico frente al Cabo Oriental, Sudáfrica
Dauphins communs à long bec et fous du cap chassant les sardines au large du Cap-Oriental, Afrique du sud
Delfini comuni a becco lungo e uccelli sule del capo in immersione al largo della provincia del Capo Orientale, Sudafrica
マイルカとケープシロカツオドリ, 南アフリカ
Date : June 8, 2022
Author : © Pete Oxford/Minden Pictures
Categories : Animal, Sea
Country : South Africa
Views : 2187 Views
Description : Common Dolphin Wallpaper from bing homepage background image on June 8, 2022.If you don’t find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for Original or higher resolution which may fits perfect to your desktop.Images are copyright to their respective owners, use of this image is restricted to wallpaper only.